Tenpenny and Pulaski leave Big Smoke's place again. Big Smoke says Three Deep gave him a good lead and has C.J. use Big Smoke's Glendale to drive him to Unity Station. There, he tells C.J. he's looking for a meeting between some San Fierro Rifa and some Vagos, who are making a deal. When Big Smoke sees the Vagos, without the Rifa, standing on a ledge over a train tunnel, he tells C.J. the Vagos "clocked us": beat them there and the Vagos jump on a moving passenger train to make a getaway.
The game wants you to have C.J. take Big Smoke on a Sanchez to speed along the locomotive so Big Smoke can shoot them with a Tec9. The BradyGames guide and most others say to stay just to the right of the track to the right of the train, avoiding the car the train hits, the oncoming train, and taking the high road by the track when Big Smoke says to.