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May 7, 2010

First Base / Local Liquor Store

 Catalina doesn't answer her door for so long that C.J. implores her to come out. She surprises him from behind and angrily puts a gun to his head. He pacifies her by saying they'll rob places, etc. She thinks she loves him. C.J. isn't sure if he's thrilled. Have C.J. drive her to one of the three "$" icons.

Catalina has C.J. drive her to a Blueberry liquor store, but four cowboys with a Quadbike (a little four-wheeler that drives a bit like a motorcycle) apiece rob it just ahead of them. She calls them "maricon" (derogatory term for homosexual) bast**ds and kills one of them. Have C.J. drive her on the Quad and chase the other three so she can shoot them. C.J. can help with an SMG, but you'll probably have your hands full keeping up with them. Her shots have more of a chance of hitting something if you go after the two who occasionally split off to the left from the other one. Part of the chase is the Los Santos Unique Jump 28 over the broken wooden bridge at Palomino Creek. As each dies, they leave behind a briefcase of money; wait till all three are dead before collecting them. To make the chase easier, you could drive Catalina to the bank on a Sanchez. At the end of a cutscene, the game puts C.J. and Catalina on a Quad. Have C.J. get off it and get on the nearby Sanchez, and Catalina will get on it, too.
(Thanks again to AggroSk8er.)
Take Catalina back home.
C.J. gets a $1,000 cut of the take.
Catalina calls and insists that C.J. go to her.

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