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April 7, 2010


C.J. has to kill, and get photographic evidence he's killed, the person that could inform on Tenpenny's group. We're shown how to use a Camera: press the RMB to use the view finder, zoom with X and Z or the Scroll Wheel, and shoot the picture with the LMB.
The BradyGames guide has a good tip about killing the guy from a good distance from the cabin so he doesn't leaves it and turn this into a chase. Rusk found a good vantage point NW of the cabin; since C.J. approaches from the S, keep him out of view along the W side of the plateau until you can see the target with a red glow--one of those inverted cones over the target's head, I guess--just inside a cabin door. After you have C.J. snipe the target's body (if C.J. shoots the target's head, he won't be able to be identified), have C.J. snipe the four FBI men who run, practically single file, at C.J.. Then have C.J. photograph the target.
Cesar calls. He knows Sweet is in jail and assures C.J. that Kendl's safe. Cesar says he's sending the C.J. help of Cesar's cousin, and wants C.J. to meet the cousin in the diner in Dillimore.
Sweet calls from the prison hospital. C.J. says he has to make sure Kendl's okay 1st, but he's going to help Sweet get out of jail.

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